Improving Accessibility Final Project | Gordon College | 1 Graduate Credit
CourseThis is a course add-on for those who have enrolled in the Improving Accessibility with Technology and UDL course and are looking to receive 1 continuing education graduate credit from Gordon College.
Standards-Based Grading Final Project | Gordon College | 1 Graduate Credit
CourseThis is a course add-on for those who have enrolled in the Standards-Based Grading Self-paced course and are looking to receive 1 continuing education graduate credit from Gordon College.
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Leveraging AI to Increase Access and Engagement Final Project - 1 Graduate Credit - Gordon College
CourseThis is a course add-on for those who have enrolled in the Leveraging AI to Increase Access and Engagement course bundle and are looking to receive 1 continuing education graduate credit from Gordon College.
Restorative Practices Final Project | Gordon College | 1 Graduate Credit
CourseThis is a course add-on for those who have enrolled in the Restorative Practices and are looking to receive 1 continuing education graduate credit from Gordon College.
Building Bridges Microcourse Final Project | Gordon College | 1 Graduate Credit
CourseThis is a course add on for those who have enrolled in the Building Bridges Between Gen Ed and Special Ed with UDL Microcourse and are looking to receive 1 continuing education graduate credit from Gordon College.
Gordon College Graduate Credit Add-On: SEL & UDL Micro
CourseThis is a course add-on for those who have enrolled in How SEL and UDL Intersect 10 hour course and are looking to receive 1 continuing education graduate credit from Gordon College + 5 continuing education hours.