Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. 📹 Welcome! A Message from Your Instructor, Matt

    3. Introduction to the Course

    4. Syllabus

    5. A few logistics! How does this course platform work?

    1. 📹 Module 1: Video Introduction

    2. Module One: The Three Key Concepts of UDL

    3. 🎙️What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

    4. M1:1 - Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an Evidence-Based Framework…

    5. M1:2 - Rooted in Inclusive Design

    6. M1:3 - Proactively Plan for Learner Variability

    7. M1: Resources

    8. M1: Reflection

    1. 📹 Module 2: Video Introduction

    2. Module Two: Understanding AI

    3. M2: Resources and Activities!

    4. M2: Reflection

    1. Module 3: Video Introduction

    2. Module Three: Building Better Prompts With AI

    3. M3: Resources and Activities!

    4. M3: Reflection

    1. A Final Thought

    2. Course Feedback Survey

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 23 lessons

Leverage AI to Help Design Inclusive Classrooms!